Sunday, December 7, 2008

(80) Drink only water for one month

And...scene. So I was right. This was difficult and I've decided to try this again next summer when water is essential (lazy, I know). It's really hard to try to stay warm at an outdoor-ish venue downtown at night drinking cold water. I finally had to break down and get a cranberry juice & vodka to warm up. And when we're in New York next weekend (wow, it's really coming up quick!), I know I'll want to have some hot chocolate or something as we're wandering through the city in 40 degree (and below) weather.

But on a positive note, I've at least been successful at abstaining from soda (and even diet soda) so that's a step in the right direction. I'm really loving those little single-serving crystal light-esque mix tube packets. Cranberry Ice is one of my favorites.

Anyway, until next time...


Lou said...

So the flavor you like is cranberry ice or cranberry ice tea?? I want to go out and look for it.

Thanks for the "noise cushion"!!! lol

Caffeinated Weka said...

Even if you only drink more water, you're still doing really well. Mind you, it's hard to do that around Christmas time, when there are so many yummy things to eat and drink. Oh well, there's always 2009!

Lou said...

Nisha...Your blog is lonely and sad.